Hari pertama minggu ini belajar tentang besaran vektor, yg dimana pas waktu SMK dulu kayaknya belajar deh tapi emang sih sekarang udah lupa..... udah lama juga rasanya gak belajar ini... Ini dy tadi materi yg dikasih, di share sedikit aja ya karna ane juga dengernya sedikit plus ltugas juga lhooo dari Pak IR
Besaran Fisis :
Besaran Fisis :
- Besaran skalar
skalar ini hanya nilainya aja / tidak tergantung arah - Besaran vektor
vektor ini nilai & arah menentukan
Besaran skalar ada :
- panjang
- luas
- volume
- laju
- gaya
- percepatan
Ciri vektor itu ada :
- titik awal kerja
- arah garis kerja
- panjang / besar / skalar
- dengan huruf tebal
- dengan anak panah
- dengan garis samping
- digeser sepanjang garis kerja
- dipindah ke garis kerja yg beda
ini gak tau nih tentang apaan tapi ada dicatatan :
- besar (skalar) sebuah vektor A -> |A|
- besar (skalar) sebuah vektor slalu positif ( > 0 )
- tanda minus pada vektor menunjukkan arah vektor
Ada 3 cara penjumlahan pada vektor :
- jajaran genjang
- poligon
- salib sumbu tegak.
- A car is driven 215 km west and then 85 km southwest. What is the displacement of the car from the point of orgin (magnitude and direction) ? draw a diagram !
- A delivery truck travels 18 blocks north, 10 blocks east, 16 blocks south. What is its final displacement from the orgin? Assume the block are equal length
- Show that the vector labeled "incorret" in fig. 3 - 6c is actually the difference of the two vectors. Is it vectors V2 - V1 or V1 - V2
- Vx = 6.80 units and Vy = -7.40 units determine the magnitude and direction of vector V
- Graphically determine the resultant of the following three vectors displacement (1) 34 m, 24 derajat north of east ; (2) 48 m, 33 derajat east of north ; (3) 22 m, 56 derajat west of south
- The components of a vector V can be written (Vx, Vy, Vz). What are the components and length of a vector which is the sum of the two vectors V1 & V2. Whose components are (8.0 ; -3.7 ; 0.0) & (3.9 ; -8.1 ; -4.4) ?
- Vector V is a vector 14.3 units in magnitude & points at an angel of 34.8 above the negative x axis (a) sketch this vector 9b) find Vx & Vy (c) is a good way to check if you have resolved your vector correctly)
- Vector V1 is 6.6 units long & points along the negative x axis. Vector V2 is 8.5 units long & points at +45 degree to the positve x axis (a) what are the x & y components of each vector ? (b) determine the sum vector V1 + V2 (magnitude & angle)
untuk jawabanya adalaaaah....... :) kerjain sendiri yaaaa heheheh *peace
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